Saturday, February 4, 2012

Special Thanks...

There are many facets in the life of a young orchestra and they all need a lot of attention.  During the last few months a few of us spent a lot of energy on developing and running the orchestra various activities. To name a few: attracting new members, coaching the orchestra in playing together, promoting the orchestra, selecting and donating music to play, finding a new home for rehearsals, planning a performance, and designing and printing programs.

The orchestra as a whole is indebted to all our musicians for contributing their time, talent and enthusiasm. However, special thanks is due to Beverly Anders, violist, who opened her extensive music library and provided us with beautiful sheet music to perform; Karen Tuttle, music teacher, who not only provided us with sheet music but gave of her time and expertise in helping organize the orchestra and attract players; Lauren Allegri, wind player, who tirelessly transposed string music for woodwinds and thereby added a full dimension to our orchestral sound and created the opportunity for wind players to join in our fun; the management and staff of the Jacaranda Library, who donated this wonderful rehearsal and performance space and put up with our cacophony during some of our less than tuneful rehearsals. 

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